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Hold tight to your brand values

For organisations that give a damn (we’re talking to those of you who are fighting against injustice, supporting communities and working towards improving and protecting our natural environment), a strong brand is crucial for making an impact. Whether you’re a small non-profit or a well-established organisation, having a clear brand strategy is essential.
Pamela Holmes

Brand Lead

Amidst all the noise, maintaining authenticity, honesty, and a firm grip on your brand’s values is crucial. Here’s why:

Build your trust

Your brand values are the core beliefs that guide you. Consistently reflecting these values in your actions and communication builds a strong foundation of trust with your audience. Trust leads to loyalty, and loyal customers are more likely to stay and spread the word.

Be you and only you

In a sea of options, your brand values ground you and help you stand out. They give your brand a unique personality that resonates with your audience. This isn’t about being different for the sake of it but about being different in ways that genuinely matter to your audience.

Always the right thing

Prioritise doing the right thing, even when it’s not the easiest path. Staying true to your brand values shows a commitment to making positive choices for society, the environment, and everyone involved with your company. This not only boosts your reputation but also attracts customers and employees who share your beliefs.

Think gains

While compromising your values might bring short-term gains, it can harm your brand in the long run. You audience and employees quickly notice when an organisation isn’t living up to its stated beliefs, which can destroy trust and damage your reputation.

Staying true to your values helps ensure sustainable growth and success.

Internal thinking

Strong brand values create a more engaged and motivated workforce. When employees understand and believe in the company’s values, they feel more connected to their work and the organisation. This alignment leads to higher job satisfaction and productivity.

Following the light

During challenging times, your brand values serve as a guiding light. Organisations that adhere to their ethics and values during tough times are viewed more favourably by the public, helping to mitigate damage and speed up recovery. They go a long way to unite internally and externally, a sounding board for every action the organisation undertakes.


In a world where we care deeply about the values of the brands we support, staying true to your ethics is essential. By consistently upholding your brand values, you build a trustworthy, distinctive, and ethically responsible brand that attracts and retains loyal users, followers, and employees.

Sticking to your brand values isn’t just a strategic move — it’s the heart of building a meaningful and enduring business. For us, this is why understanding your beliefs or helping to carve them out with you is the starting point for every project we undertake.

We can help define the core principles and beliefs that shape your identity and guide your actions. Want to see what we mean? Check out our own Manifesto.

Related topics:

  • Brand
  • Strategy
  • Non-Profit

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